Vanessa Issi, our commercial director, was in the media of December 2019
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- Vanessa Issi, our commercial director, was in the media of December 2019
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Vanessa Issi, our commercial director, was in the media of December 2019
Our commercial director, Vanessa Issi, made several media appearances during December 2019.
In early December, she was on LN24 (a Belgian French-language continuous information television channel, launched in September 2019) to present the Canal Wharf project. If you have not had the opportunity to see it, here is the link to see the program in question, “Les Coulisses d’un Projet”: / the-scenes-dun-project-the-discovery-the-canal wharf-in-the-mag-immo
The site also published an interview with Vanessa. You can read the article “AG, a major player in residential” via this link.
She also appeared in mid-December on LN24 in the program “La Minute de l’Investisseur”, interviewed by Philippe CoulĂ©e, journalist from L’Echo specializing in real estate. Discover their exchanges below : ” Acheter ou vendre sur plan” (from 5:45)